Thursday, February 25, 2010

More ESPN Bloggage...This one's a pretty long interview with Jesse Huffman about the PowderJets philosophy, accompanied by some more rad shots by Aaron Codling.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Jay's Peak

Here's the piece. Some fun words from J. Huffman, fun photos from A. Codling.
Jay is a great mountain.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

We had a sweet opportunity to hit up Jay Peak yesterday, and it truly exceeded all of our expectations. Not only have they received several feet of snow in the past week, but we also had bluebird skies above a sea of marshy clouds, and relatively balmy weather. It was the rare Vermont trifecta that local photographers only speak about in hushed tones, huddled down in their rusty Subarus. Past and current Vermonter Jesse Huffman invited us up to shoot some powder slashes at Jay with photographer Aaron Codling, who moonlights as a night shift park groomer up at Sugarbush Resort. (I don't really know how someone who spends 5 nights a week working till 8 AM can then get the gumption to snowboard all day with a camera bag, so I can only assume he's one of those new fancy vampires that can somehow stand the sun now.) Anyway, we found a bunch of super fun spots, got lost a few times, talked on our mobile phones and ate a big steaming platter of poutine.
On the way out of town we stopped at a sand pit that Huffman had seen on his last trip to Jay. This is where the other dudes strapped on the wooden boards for the first time. The sand pit also did not was steep as a bastard and waist deep. There was even a sweet cornice drop that Jesse was having fun on, another Vermont rarity. So that's one more thing...what's one more than a trifecta? A four-fecta?

Monday, February 8, 2010

By the Way

No one knows more than us that we need us a new Website
We're working on it right now
Hold your horsies!